By April all traces of winter had gone, and Virginia literally began to explode with buds and flowers. Our chickens were full sized and laying about an egg a day each, and Jessica was a happy farmer.
The Washington D.C. Cherry Blossom Festival is world-famous for a reason. It’s difficult to even describe the sight of so many flowers everywhere you look, like here at Arlington National Cemetery.
We made a valiant attempt at family photos in front of our neighbor’s cheery tree, but not all children would cooperate.
So we had to have a little fun with it…
Easter was in April this year, and seeing that we had plenty of eggs to go around, we dyed our first-ever batch of home-raised eggs.
Our zip-line, which had been dormant since living in Ohio, was also resurected.
For Barry’s birthday, he raced a local 13-hour Mountain Bike race with a few of his cycling buddies. It was a long day, but the three of them took home overall top honors with a convincing win.
Now that the threat of winter was finally gone, and the garden boxes ready to go, we put in the first crop of cool-weather plants including peas, lettuces, and kale.
Although she technically is Brenna’s chicken, “Gilbird” is the only one who would let Eva catch and hold her, so she became Eva’s favorite. I’m not sure what Gilbird though of all of this.