The kids were asked to participate in our local Church nativity production, which since it involved dressing up, was a big hit for everyone (except Jonah, who we are still not sure enjoyed it).
The holidays are time for piano recitals, and Brenna, Logan, and Ian all performed beautifully.
Our new D.C. Christmas tradition includes going to the Washington D.C. LDS Temple to see the lights and music. This year we saw a local Bell Choir perform, which brought back memories of Christmases growing up for Barry.
Although it seems like we just took a picture like this the other day, it in reality was almost a year ago. Looking back in some regards it seems like 2014 was packed with excitement, but in other ways I can’t help think it all went so fast. We are so thankful for the time we had to share with family and friends, and for the love the Gospel of Jesus Christ has brought in to our homes. We wish the best to each and everyone in 2015, and hope if our paths haven’t crossed in recent years, they might soon. Merry Christmas to all, and Happy New Year!
~ Barry, Jessica, Brenna, Jonah, Logan, Ian, Hunter, and Eva Croker