
May meant discovering our yard emerging from winter, and lots of opportunities for work around the house.


Brenna turned 14, and had a birthday cake of mini-cheesecakes.  We sure love this girl.


Jessica’s Yoga practice continues to evolve as she juggles homeschooling, home making, and pursuing her own dreams.  Along with teaching friends in our home, she also took a part-time teaching job at a local Yoga Studio one night a week.


She had a great birthday as well.


May means time for Father-Son campout, and while it wasn’t quite as exciting as some of our Colorado camps, it still was a great weekend of only-boys time.


Hunca-munca went broody, so Jessica got her some chicks to take care of.  The kids had a blast learning how mother hens raise their young.  Baby chicks sure are cute.


There are so many things to do for a Homeschooling family in Virginia, like Colonial Williasburg.


Barry continued to work in the District of Columbia the first half of the year, always looking for new places to ride his bike. IMG_0715

The kids got in some bike miles as well in and around our neighborhoods.  We are quite the crew when we roll.


The weather was warm enough to hit Virginia Beach, which was in all regards Eva’s first time to the ocean.  She wasn’t super excited about getting in the water.


Instead she was in heaven digging in the sand.

IMG_0985Ian on the other hand, stayed in the water all day.  Literally all day.  He is part fish I think.


At Virginia Beach we found an eight-person bicycle.  How could we not rent such a contraption?


Barry wrapped up the month with a 7-day Mountain Bike stage race in Pennsylvania called the “Transylvania Epic”.  Epic it was, and a lot of fun.  (I’m just grateful my dear wife let me disappear for a whole week! -ed)
