Before the weather got cold again, Barry took Jonah and some of his school friends up into the Shenandoah for a hike called “Old Rag”. We were about a week past full color, but a few leaves were left.
The top of Old Rag is like nothing else in Virginia.
Barry also got to steal in a few last mountain bike rides with teammates and friends.
Jessica’s practice at the local Yoga Studio has been going well, and for two years now she’s been asked to lead Kirtan classes during their open house. She even has her own Harmonuim.
Although not always warmly received, this year for Thanksgiving Barry talked Jessica and the three big kids into running a 5k “turkey trot”. We all did a 8-week couch-to-5k training plan, and put in over 20 hours of practice to get ready for the event. The goal was to have everyone finish, which we met. Jonah actually enjoyed himself that he wants to do another.
Grandma Croker came to visit for Thanksgiving, and we took her up to the Shenandoah to see the mountains and a bit of snow. I wonder how much snow we’ll get in 2015?
We also were able to launch the model rocket that Grandma Croker got us while she was here. It was a lot of fun, and the kids had a BLAST.